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Manuel Caceres

Tuning Machine:FUSTERO
String height:1string 3.0mm/6string 4.0mm

Born in Badajoz, Spain in 1947, he began working at the Ramirez workshop at the age of 13. He moved to Germany for family reasons, but returned to the Ramirez workshop and became the head of the Ramirez workshop. His guitars from that time are still highly regarded as MC Stamp Ramirez guitars. In 1978, with the advice of master craftsman Arcángel Fernández, he became independent and established his own workshop in Madrid. He has gained fame as an instrument used by many famous guitarists, and he has also been teaching the younger generation in Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and other countries by conducting workshops on making guitars.
In 1999, he began helping Alcángel Fernández for 13 years and gradually established his own style. Now, with Alcángel's retirement, he is working hard as the sole successor.

This work was made shortly after he became independent from the Ramirez workshop. Although it was made by a young man, it has already achieved the characteristics of the Madrid School guitars at a very high level. It is also designed to be very easy to play, making it a truly wonderful guitar.
There are some scratches and scuffs on the sound board. The neck is not warped and the string height has been adjusted for easy playability. The sound quality is bright, clear, and well extended.

InstrumentManuel Caceres
CategoryImported Classical Guitars 〔Vintage〕
Number/ModelLabelled Para Casa Arcangel
Scale length650mm
Side&BackIndian rosewood
List priceINQUIRE
Price (tax included)Please Inquire
optionwith Hardcase

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